
Posted on 14th January 2021

Another release of TileMapBase which fix some warnings which had started to be been displayed, because of changing APIs in some libraries which we use. I also had some minor corrections to docstrings. Released on PyPI.

A quick further retrospective. Do I enjoy writing code? Yes, still. Do I enjoying fighting with the tools to get things to work? No, not in the slightest. Below are some notes to self for how I got various libraries installed.

I couldn't get conda to install much for me, even after uninstalling Anaconda, downloading the most recent version, and reinstalling. Instead, I installed it manually, using some of the binary builds available (still!) from Christoph Gohlke's page:

  • Install GDAL. I had to use the exact version which Fiona wanted (so if the next step doesn't work, see if it's because the wrong version of GDAL was installed).
  • Install Fiona. These can both be down by downloading the correct .whl file, and then running pip install file.whl
  • Finally run pip install geopandas.

I dimly recall that to get GDAL working properly, you might need to fiddle with path variables etc. However, for the minimal usage I needed, the above was enough.

More problems

In another project, having updated Anaconda for the above work, I now faced the following error, when trying to use strictyaml:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ruamel'

A massive battle then commenced. I updated using conda:

conda update --all

Apart from taking forever, this did nothing. I tried to get pip to update, but even using:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

(You can't use the pip command to upgrade itself, as then, in the background, pip.exe will be running and hence cannot be overwritten.) didn't work. Whatever.

Maybe the ruamel.yaml package is out of date? Running

python -m pip install ruamel.yaml -U

gave an error message that pip couldn't remove the old install. Poking around the Anaconda file system and deleting any files related to ruamel in Lib\site-packages, and then running pip again, and success! Everything now works.

I should say that when I used WinPython instead, "it just worked". Maybe it's time to move on from Anaconda...

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