I work in the broad area of Functional Analysis and
Operator Algebras with a particular interest in groups, group actions,
and "quantum" generalisations thereof.
I also have some (decreasing) interests in Data Science,
see the pages on computation.
Current activity
I am on the editorial board for the Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society. To submit a paper please see
the journal website.
I have acted as an editorial advisor for the Glasgow Mathematics Journal
and the London Mathematical Society family of journals. My research has
been supported by the EPSRC.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1707-4308 and
- "Averaging multipliers on locally compact quantum groups" with
Jacek Krajczok and
Christian Voigt.
Published in the Journal of the London Mathematical Society Volume 111, Issue 3 (2025) e70104.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "The approximation property for locally compact quantum groups" with
Jacek Krajczok and
Christian Voigt.
Published in Advances in Mathematics Volume 438 (2024) 109452.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Quantum graphs: different perspectives, homomorphisms and quantum automorphisms".
Published in Communications of the American Mathematical Society Volume 4 (2024) 117-181.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "A purely infinite Cuntz-like Banach ∗-algebra with no purely infinite ultrapowers" with
Bence Horváth.
Published in J. Funct. Anal. 283, No. 1, Article ID 109488, 36 p. (2022).
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Completely bounded homomorphisms of the Fourier algebra revisited".
Published in J. Group Theory 25, No. 3, 579-600 (2022).
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Ring-theoretic (in)finiteness in reduced products of Banach algebras" with
Bence Horváth. Published in Can. J. Math. 73 (2021), no. 5, 1423--1458.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "One-parameter isometry groups and inclusions between operator algebras". Published in New York J. Math.
27 (2021) 164--204. Please be aware of the addendum: Volume 30 (2024) 1304--1306.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Admissibility Conjecture and Kazhdan's Property (T) for quantum groups" with
Biswarup Das and Pekka Salmi.
Published in J. Funct. Anal. 276 (2019), no. 11, 3484--3510.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "On convoluters on $L^p$-spaces" with
Nico Spronk.
Published in Studia Math. 245 (2019), no. 1, 15--31.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Around Property (T) for quantum groups" with Adam Skalski and Ami Viselter.
Published in Comm. Math. Phys. 353 (2017), no. 1, 69--118
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Categorical aspects of quantum groups: multipliers and intrinsic groups".
Published in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics volume 68 (2016), 309--333.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Non-commutative separate continuity and weakly almost periodicity for Hopf von Neumann algebras".
Published in J. Funct. Anal.
Volume 269 (2015) 683--704.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Quantum Eberlein compactifications and invariant means" with
Biswarup Das.
Published in Indiana University
Mathematics Journal Vol 65 No 1 (2016) 307--352.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Remarks on the Quantum Bohr Compactification".
Published in Illinois J. Math.
Volume 57, Issue 4, 1131--1171.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "The Haagerup property for locally compact quantum groups" with
Pierre Fima,
Adam Skalski and
Stuart White.
Published in Crelle's Journal (Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik) Volume 2016 Issue 711, 189--229. This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Equivalence of multi-norms" with
H. Garth Dales,
Hung Le Pham and
Paul Ramsden.
Published in Dissertationes Math.
Volume 498 (2014) 53pp.
- "Completely positive definite functions and Bochner's theorem for locally
compact quantum groups" with Pekka Salmi.
Published in J. Funct. Anal.
Volume 264, Issue 7, 1525-1546.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups" with
Paweł Kasprzak,
Adam Skalski
and Piotr Sołtan.
Published in Advances in
Mathematics Volume 231 (2012) 3473-3501.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Completely positive multipliers of quantum groups".
Published in International
Journal Mathematics volume 23, no 12 (2012).
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Completely bounded representations of convolution algebras of locally compact quantum groups"
with Michael Brannan
and Ebrahim Samei.
Published in Münster Journal of Mathematics
volume 6 (2013) 445-482.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Isometries between quantum convolution algebras" with
Hung Le Pham.
Published in The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 64 (2013) 373-396.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Shift invariant preduals of $\ell_1(\Z)$" with
Richard Haydon,
Thomas Schlumprecht and
Stuart White.
Published in Israel J. Math. 192 (2012), 541–585.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Multi-norms and the injectivity of $L^p(G)$" with
H. Garth Dales,
Hung Le Pham and
Paul Ramsden.
Published in J. Lond. Math. Soc.
Volume 86 (2012) 779-809.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Multipliers of locally compact quantum groups via Hilbert C$^*$-modules".
Published in J. Lond. Math. Soc. Volume 84 (2011) 385-407.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Multipliers, Self-Induced and Dual Banach Algebras", published
in Dissertationes Mathematicae
volume 470 2010, 62pp.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "A bicommutant theorem for dual Banach algebras".
Published in the Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
111 (2011) 21-28.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Characterising weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra".
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
published in Studia Mathematica
Volume 204, 2011, 213--234.
- "Representing multipliers of the Fourier algebra on non-commutative $L^p$ spaces",
published in Canadian Journal of Mathematics
Volume 63, 2011, 798--825.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Operator Biprojectivity of Compact Quantum Groups", published in
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Volume 138, 2010, 1349-1359.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Preduals of semigroup algebras" with
Hung Le Pham and
Stuart White, published in
Semigroup Forum Volume 80,
2010, 61--78.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Reiter's properties (P_1) and (P_2) for locally compact quantum groups",
with Volker Runde, published in
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Volume 364, Issue 2, 2010, 352-365.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
See Corrections!.
- "Weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra", published in
Mathematische Zeitschrift Volume 265 (2010) 285-296.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Conditions implying the uniqueness of the weak$^*$-topology on certain group algebras" with
Hung Le Pham and
Stuart White. Published in
Houston Journal of Mathematics
Volume 35 (number 1) 2009, 253-276.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Can B(l^p) ever be amenable?" with Volker Runde,
published in Studia Mathematica
Volume 188 (number 2) 2008, 151-174. See also
Studia Mathematica, Volume 195 2009, 297-298.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
See Corrections!.
- "Ultrapowers of Banach algebras and modules", published in
Glasgow Mathematics Journal, Volume 50, Issue 03, 2008, 539-555.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Amenability of ultrapowers of Banach algebras", published in
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Volume 52, 2009, 307-338.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
See Corrections!.
- "p-Operator Spaces and Figa-Talamanca-Herz Algebras", published in
The Journal of Operator Theory,
Volume 63, 2010, 47-83.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Arens-regularity of Algebras arising from Tensor Norms", published in the
New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 13 (2007) 215-270. This is a free to access online journal.
- "Dual Banach algebras: representations and injectivity", published in
Studia Mathematica
Volume 178 (number 3) 2007, 231-275.
This paper is available on the ArXiV.
- "Connes-amenability of bidual and weighted semigroup algebras", published in
Mathematica Scandinavica
Volume 99, Issue 2, 2006, 217-246.
This paper is available on the ArXiV
(warning: old version).
- "Closed ideals in the Banach algebra of operators
on classical nonseparable spaces" published in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Volume 140, Issue 02, March 2006, pp 317-332.
Download preprint: Acrobat PDF.
- "Semi-simplicity of B(E)**" with Charles Read, published in
Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 219, Part 1, (2005),
pp 177-204. DOI:10.1016/j.jfa.2004.04.014.
Download preprint: Acrobat PDF.
- "Arens regularity of the algebra of operators on a Banach space"
published in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 36, Part 4,
(2004), pp 493-503.
Download preprint: Acrobat PDF.
Some of my early papers have corrections, which can be download:
corrections [PDF]. It seems I became better at checking as time went on!
I have had one PhD student work with me:
I was the Postdoc supervisor of Dr Biswarup Das, now
a lecturer at Wroclaw University, Poland.
I have acted as the external PhD examiner for:
I have written about 50 MathSciNet reviews; if you have access, you can see the
processed reviews here.
I spend a little time on MathOverflow, although the math.FA and math.OA community is rather sparse
these days.
My thesis was mined fairly successfully for papers (I think 6 in the end) but the original may still be of interest:
- The group algebra derivation problem [PDF]:
A self-contained proof of the group
derivation problem, using the new proof by Bader et al.
- "Functorial properties of weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra".
This has been superseded by a later paper, as the referee noticed a much, much better
way of proving the main result. However, perhaps the techniques used in this paper
might be of interest: in particular, is there a non-commutative generalisation?
This paper is available on the ArXiV,
and will not otherwise be published (be aware that material in the first and final
section is dealt with better in arXiv:0904.0436
(current version)).
- "Weakly almost periodic functionals, representations, and operator spaces":
This paper shows that a completely contractive dual Banach algebra is isometric
to a weak*-closed subalgebra of the algebra of completely bounded operators
on a reflexive operator space. This result has been shown independently
by F. Uygul (math.FA/0702200
on the arXiv), using rather similar arguments to my presentation, which will
hence remain only on the arXiv.
- Bases in Banach spaces [PDF]:
Introduction to Schauder bases, basic sequences, unconditional bases, and
the Gowers dichotomy theorem. Prepared for a talk.
- Interpolation spaces [PDF]:
Some notes on Beauzamy's book. Prepared for a talk.
Research notes
More recently, I have been experimenting with putting LaTeX source on GitHub, where you can now find various notes:
Most of my research talks.
- Introduction to non-commutative graphs given at Workshop on Quantum Graphs 2025 in Saarbrücken, Germany, February 2025.
- Types of L1 Banach and operator algebras given at Banach Algebras and Operator Algebras 2024 in Waterloo, Canada, July 2024.
- "Modules, Morita equivalence, and linking algebras" a chalkboard talk given at BAFALASA in Lancaster, July 2024.
- Lp operator algebras in the case p=1 given at the UK Operator Algebras conference, Newcastle, June 2024.
- Non-commutative graphs given at the Wroclaw functional analysis seminar (remotely) May 2024.
- From non-local games to quantum groups given as a colloquia style talk at Lancaster, April 2024.
- I gave a short talk at the Garth Dales Memorial Meeting in Lancaster in April 2024.
- Noncommutative graphs given at the Lancaster Open Problems in Mathematics seminar: this is aimed at undergraduates, where short talks are given to give a flavour of what Mathematicians do, when we're not teaching. Notice that I lie near the end, and don't talk about commutants.
- Approximation properties and averaging for Drinfeld Doubles given at the Noncommutative analysis on groups and quantum groups conference, Besançon, December 2023.
- Non-commutative graphs given at the Functional Analysis Seminar in Oxford. Somewhat familiar theme to the talk, but maybe some new angles shown.
- Around the Approximation Property for Quantum Groups given at 2023 IMAC Abstract Harmonic Analysis day. Of course bears more than a passing similarity to some talks below, and I am incapable of keeping to time on this topic, it seems.
- Quantum graphs and homomorphisms given at the Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Information conference, Sweden, June 2023. Similar to other talks I've given of late.
- Perspectives on Noncommutative Graphs given at the Seoul National University seminar, April 23. Rather similar to talks below, but with some minor typos corrected.
- Around the Approximation Property for (Quantum) Groups given at the Glasgow Analysis seminar April 2023. Rather similar to some talks below.
- Around the Approximation Property for (Quantum) Groups given at the Functional Analysis and Operator Algebras in Athens Seminar March 2023. A more gentle version of the talk below, but making the rookie error that adding detail will, of course, take up more time. Still, explained the non-quantum bit.
- Around the Approximation Property for Quantum Groups given at the Quantum Groups Seminar January 2023.
- Perpsectives on Noncommutative Graphs given at the Noncommutative harmonic analysis and quantum groups conference, Sep 2022.
- A whiteboard only talk to Lancaster staff and graduate students: "Introduction to Compact Quantum Groups", May 2022.
- Perspectives on Noncommutative Graphs given at the Ottawa (virtual) analysis seminar, April 2022.
- Quantum automorphisms of quantum graphs given at a Hybrid meeting between Lancaster and Besançon Nov 21
- Noncommutative Graphs given at Lancaster, Nov 21
- Purely infinite algebras and ultrapowers given at the satellite meeting of IWOTA 2021, in honour of the
retirement of Garth Dales. Similar to the talk below.
- Purely infinite algebras and ultrapowers given at the Athens Functional Analysis seminar, May 2021.
- An introduction to (quantum) symmetries of graphs given at the BM(A)C 2021. You might also consult Schmidt's talk at the Workshop Website.
- Asymptotic sequence algebras, and ultrapowers, of Banach algebras given at the Belfast Analysis seminar, October 2019.
- Fields of algebras given at the Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory, Istanbul August 2019.
- Kaplansky Density for automorphism groups given at Banach Algebras 2019 Canada July 2019.
- Kaplansky Density for automorphism groups given at the Glasgow Analysis seminar, May 2019.
- Kaplansky Density for automorphism groups given at the Newcastle Analysis seminar, March 2019.
- Reproducible research: assessing spatial predictions of crime given at the Leeds Institute for Data Science seminar, 2017.
- A non-commutative notion of separate continuity
given to the Analysis seminar of TCD and UCD. About the paper:
arXiv 1409.7302.
- Fourier Algebras to Quantum Groups.
Pure Maths colloquia November 2014.
- I gave four lectures at the Fields Institute as part of the Theme Period on
Operator Spaces, Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Amenability. My talks were an introduction to operator algebraic
quantum groups. Videos of my talks can be viewed on Fields Video Archive.
Here are local copies of the slides: Talk 1,
Talk 2, Talk 3,
Talk 4. Here is a list of further reading which appears to have disappeared from
the Fields website.
- Almost periodic functionals:
Talk given at:
Banach Algebras 2013.
In no way resembles the next talk...
- Almost periodic functionals:
Talk given at 2nd QoP meeting:
C*-algebras and Banach algebras.
- Groups meet Analysis: The Fourier Algebra:
Colloquium style talk given at York, May 2013. Similar to Kent talk, but
hopefully even less technical, as now a mathematics (not pure) colloquia.
- The Haagerup approximation property for discrete quantum groups:
Talk at ICMS meeting on
- Positive definite functions on locally compact quantum groups:
Talk at Cergy-Pontoise (Slightly
unsatisfactory website).
- "Algebraic quantum groups to compact quantum groups": A white-board talk at
NAG 5.
- The Fourier Algebra:
Colloquium style talk given at Kent, January 2013. I didn't use all the slides!
- Shift invariant preduals:
This was a whiteboard talk at YFAG, so here are my hand-written notes. The paper is
available on the arxiv.
- Compactifications of quantum groups:
Talk given at Queen's University Belfast, October 2012.
- Completely Positive Multipliers:
Talk given at the CEMPI Inaugural Conference,
Lille, France, September 2012.
- Analysis in Non-Commutative Mathematics:
Talk given at the Young Functional Analysts' Workshop 2012,
Oxford, March 2012. Really an introduction to Compact Quantum Groups.
- Shift invariant preduals of group algebras:
Talk given at the Banach Algebras 2011
conference in Waterloo, Canada, August 2011.
A differing take on the talk below!
- Shift-invariant preduals of $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$:
Talk given to the Analysis seminar at UCD, Dublin, February 2011.
- The Fourier algebra and homomorphisms:
Talk given to the Analysis and Algebra seminar at Glagow, December 2010.
- Some operator algebra problems from Quantum Information:
Talk given to the algebra seminar at Leeds, November 2010.
- Multipliers and Abstract Harmonic Analysis: Talk given
at CAHAS 2010 August 2010.
Printable version.
- Quantum groups by way of Operator algebras: Talk given
At Belfast university, April 2010.
- Multipliers and the Fourier algebras, and non-commutative
L^p spaces: Talk given at Birmingham University, March 2010. A third attempt on a theme!
- Multipliers of quantum groups from Hilbert C*-modules:
Talk given at Lancaster University, March 2010.
- Multipliers and the Fourier algebras: Talk given at
Nottingham University, January 2010. Somewhat similar to the talk beow.
- Multipliers and the Fourier algebras: Talk given at Banach
Algebras 2009, Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, Bedlewo, Poland. A handout version of
the slides can be downloaded here.
- Biprojectivity and compact quantum groups:
Colloquium talk given to the Pure Mathematics department as Leeds, April 2009. A handout version of
the slides can be downloaded here.
- Weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra [PDF]:
Talks given at the CIRM, November 2008. This is very similar to the talk below, so the PDF file is just
a printable version of my slides (as given to conference participants).
- Weakly almost periodic functionals on the measure algebra [PDF]:
Talk given in Newcastle, October 2008.
- Compactifications and the Fourier algebra [PDF]:
Talk given in Glasgow, February 2008.
- Quantum compactifications of the Fourier algebra [PDF]:
Talk given at the Fields Institute, Toronto, December 2007. To my horror, they have
recorded my talk, so the audio is available for download here.
- Compact Quantum Groups: Series of three talks in Leeds, on the whiteboard,
November 2007.
- Uniqueness of preduals [PDF]: Talk
given at Banach Algebras 07, in Laval, July 2007. This bears some
similarly to the two talks below.
- The predual of $l^1(G)$ [PDF]:
Talk given in Leeds, May 2007. This is an extension of the BMC below immediately
- How to make the bilateral shift weak$^*$-continuous [PDF]:
Talk given at the BMC in Swansea, April 2007.
- p-operator spaces and Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebras [PDF]:
Talk given in February 2007, in Oxford and at Texas A+M.
- Operator spaces and the Sz-Nagy Similarity Problem [PDF]:
Talk given to the junior seminar, November 2006, in Oxford.
- Involutions on algebras of operators [PDF]:
Talk given in Glasgow, May 2006.
- Dual Banach algebras [PDF]:
Talk given at the British Mathematics Conference, April 2006, in Newcastle.
I was (weakly) an organiser of the Quantum groups and interactions in Glasgow, May 2023.
For a time, I was the treasurer, and de facto secretary, of the NBFAS network.
I also ran the Leeds node of the Quantum groups, operators and non-commutative probability
In 2010 I helped to organise a "Semester" of activities in Leeds. The website for this has been lost, but
as it contained slides of talks (and I like to archive such things) I have reproduced it here:
A website for the April 2024 Mini-meeting in memory of Garth Dales.