Blog of Matthew Daws

Jam 2015 Round 1B

Busy at 5pm Saturday when this ran (so all the eggs in the final basket of round 1C). Under timed conditions, I did problem A very slowly, and B-small in the time, so would have qualified at around place 770. B-large took a bit longer, and Problem C wasn't really looked at in the time limit. Hard problems...

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

Problem A, Counter Culture: How fast can you get from N from 1 if you are allowed moves of: say one more than the last numbers; or reverse the decimal number. E.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23 is the quickest route to 23.

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I've spent some time on Codingame which is an on-line Competitive programming site, based around computer games. (Though only loosely: some puzzles are just puzzles like Google Code Jam, and the "games" are often pretty obviously graph or search based puzzles). But it's kind of fun: certainly the more interactive puzzles, where your solution has to respond to unknown, almost real-time, inputs, is entertaining.

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LuxRender of my profile picture

Profile Picture

As a change, here is a puzzle I never quite got to the bottom of a few years ago. Just some flattened disks arranged in a circle and then rendered using LuxRender. I rather like the effect. There are two ways to make a cylinder shape: either use the inbuilt primitive objects (so a cylinder with disks top and bottom) or export a cylinder from Blender as a mesh. Actually, I rolled my own using a python script:

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Jam 2013 Round 1B

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

I did this under timed conditions, and would have just qualified. A silly error was all which stood between B large and me...

Problem A, Osmos: Start with A and \( (x_i)_{i=1}^N \) integers. You can absorb one of the \( x_i \) if it's smaller than A, and then A grows by \( x_i \). Help Armin to be able to absorb all the numbers by adjusting the initial set:

  • You can add any new number;
  • You can remove a number.

What is the least number of moves to get a valid set?

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Jam 2015 Round 1A

So, I didn't do this one live, as it ran at 2am UK time... I did however, for fun, try this under timed conditions a few days later, and I didn't do great, but got enough to qualify (did A and B with 3 silly mistakes from B, then C small, and stupidly didn't think, and tried my slow algorithm on C large. As large problems are one-shot, it would have been game over, and I'd be around 500 in the ranking.)

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

Problem A, Mushroom Monster: Easy, and my solution doesn't differ from the official analysis.

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Jam 2014 Round 1C

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

What did you need to do to progress? Score 30 points in 100 minutes, or more points. So doing problems A and B would be enough. Again, tackling the "small" problems quickly is worthwhile.

Problem A, Part Elf: At generation 40, everyone is 1 or 0 elf. So at generation 39, everyone is \( \frac12 (a+b) \) elf, where \( 0 \leq a,b \leq 1 \). By induction, at generation \( 40-n \) everyone is \( a/2^n \) elf, for some integer \( 0 \leq a \leq 2^n \). So read in P and Q, use Euclid's algorithm to find the gcd and hence write P/Q in lowest terms, and then we need \( P/Q = a / 2^{40} \) so Q should be a power of 2, less than or equal to 40, and we need \( P \leq Q \).

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Jam 2013 Round 1A

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

I did this under timed conditions: a mild disaster, but then it was for everyone back in 2013. If I had been clinical, I could have solved A, B-small and C-small, which would have been enough.

Problem A, Bullseye: Draw some concentric rings, with a fixed amount of paint. A bit of maths shows that ring \( n \in \{1,2,3,\cdots\} \) uses \( 2r+4n-3 \) units of paint, so we want the maximal \( N \) with \[ t \geq \sum_{n=1}^N 2r+4n-3 = 2rN + 2N(N+1) - 3N. \]

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Jam 2014 Round 1B

As ever, links to: Official Contest Analysis and my code on GitHub.

Of current interest is how to progress: top 1000 people go through, and for that you'd need 42 points in any time faster than basically the whole 2.5 hours. This seems more reasonable...

Problem A, The Repeater: Given some input strings and Omar can make a move: he can pick one string, and one character in that string, and either repeat it once more (so "abc" -> "abbc" or "aabc" or "abcc") or if the character is already repeated, he can delete one copy (so "aabcc" -> "abcc" or "aabc"). Can he make all the strings the same, and if so, what's the minimal number of moves to do so?

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Profile image; rendered glass discs
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